Vagrant Notes
Download VirtualBox (please first)
Download Vagrant
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| # Vagrant 1.9.7 vagrant -v
# Help vagrant
# Create Vagrantfile vagrant init
# Boxes vagrant box list vagrant box add laravel/homestead vagrant box remove laravel/homestead
# Status vagrant global-status
# SSH vagrant ssh # ssh vagrant@ -p 2222
# After editting config file... # provisions the vagrant machine vagrant provision # restarts vagrant machine, loads new Vagrantfile configuration vagrant reload
# Shut down machine vagrant halt
# Remove machine vagrant destroy vagrant destroy 1a2b3c4d
# List all providers vagrant provider
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| Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/xenial64" "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080 "private_network", ip: "" end
Find Boxes
Vagrant Parallels Provider
Vagrant Cloud - parallels sort by downloads
Vagrant Cloud - parallels official
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| vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels vagrant plugin list vagrant init parallels/ubuntu-16.04 vagrant up --provider=parallels
Laravel Homestead
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| git clone Homestead cd Homestead sh vim Homestead.yaml provider: parallels folders: - map: ~/Your_Code_folders
# Optional sudo vim /etc/hosts vagrant up
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| vagrant package Usage: vagrant package [options] [name|id] Options: --base NAME Name of a VM in VirtualBox to package as a base box (VirtualBox Only) --output NAME Name of the file to output --include FILE,FILE.. Comma separated additional files to package with the box --vagrantfile FILE Vagrantfile to package with the box -h, --help Print this help
# NOTE vagrant package --vagrantfile Vagrantfile.package upload to
「vagrant package」可以為任何”Virtualbox的”虛擬機創建box,而不一定非得是vagrant啟動的虛擬機,只要「–base」參數指向Virtualbox的某個虛擬機名字即可。
Important Issue Solved @skinneejoe
sudo passwd ubuntu
password to vagrant
- shutdown vm
rm .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
- Package the box
- in new boxex Vagrantfile include:
config.ssh.username = 'ubuntu'
, config.ssh.password = 'vagrant'
Uninstall Vagrant
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| Using uninstall.tool rm -rf ~/.vagrant.d/
Build your own environment
- Editting existing box from vagrant cloud
- install some stuff and upload to vagrant cloud